Christopher's birthday

Last night was Christopher's birthday (Rambo's son). Shuai Ge!! Haha! Me, Gladys and Jimmy were there at 7.30pm since Rambo said 7.30pm ma! Hehe =) I shared presents with Jimmy while Gladys shared with Ting. I bought lotsa stuff and wrap them all separately. You know la, kids prefer quantity than quality (doesn't mean I buy no quality stuff ok) Haha! Reaching there, Rambo welcomed us. Then I called for the shuai ge of the house, zhi lian de Rambo said he's the one. Haha!!!

When Christopher came, you can see BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG smile on his face receiving the presents. Haha! Cute~ There were few of Rambo's relatives and church bro and sis.
Christopher played with his robot toy. Haha! They even brought mask. So fun ler~ See that pic? I taught him to do so!!! Weee~ Hahahaha! Kesian daddy Rambo. Kekekeke =D

Then we started prayer before meal, during this time I can't take any pic la. But the busy Jimmy there snap here snap. Haha! Then we head outside for our meal. Didn't take any pic of the food either.
Then here comes the birthday cake. Some of the people were leaving dy, so Ah So quickly take out the cake and we sang Happy Birthday song.
Naughty Christopher. Before the candle was even lit, he dipped his finger at the chocolate. Hahahaha!!!
Christopher and Christina~ Cute ler~ Kesian Christina baby having chicken pox.
Cake cutting~ Christopher kept cutting the cakes til his mummy was like 'Don't cut liaw! Not nice liaw!' Haha! What to do, kids are meant to be naughty. Kekeke =D
He was asked to pose for the camera....Daddy said 'why no smile? not shuai lor!'
So there he goes, smile with the peace sign and two eyes closed! Hahaha! Rambo ah! I think you need to teach him how to be vain like you ah! Hahahaha!!! How can daddy so zhi lian then boy boy so shy with camera. Kekeke =P
After all that, I got nothing to do so played around with my camera functions. I tried snap the oranges on the table. The pic above was taken using the anti-shake function. Blur la! Lausy cam!
And then I changed it to the food function. Hehehe =D Now see the difference. Good cam! Wahahaha! Crazy me! Mind you, this is no photoshop pic. Haha! We three left around 10.30pm. So, night people~ And and AND!!!!


rambochai said…
thanks angel for coming ... :P

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