Take care Ing~

Times when we are so stuck to one another...
Times when she acted 8years old when she's already 20 =P
Times when she becomes a bulb out of no where =)
Times when she poses and asked us to take pic =P
Times when we all poses! Strike babe!
Times when we both acted sweet =)
Times when she acted cool (the poser is behind!) Haha!
Times when they acted cute *bluek*
Times when she's V.A.I.N.
Ok end of pics! Haha! Today marks the day when she has to leave us all and go KL to study. *sob sob* We're gonna MISS YOU~~~~~~ I bought a photoframe and put our pics in it. Got a message behind the photo. Don't know she read it or not. Haha! That pressie is me share with another cousin Chee. Chee didn't send her to airport ler. Don't where she lost to. I went her house around 3smth noon just now and pass her the gift. Scared I can't catch her at airport ma. But I managed at last la. Hehe =) Quick quick rushed to airport to hug her lor. So sad la. I tahan don't want cry cos at public. Hehe =P But when I passed her the gift, my tears just rolled down immediately leh. So emo. Haha!
Anyway, here's the message to Ing (though I know she don't read my blog. haha!)
TakE cARe! God bLeSs yOu! May aLL thE aNgeLs aNd sAinTs be wiTh yOu aLwayS! Wish yOu aLL thE bESt beST in LifE! HugGy hUGgy hUgGieZzZz!!!!!


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