Exam's over~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~

Budak sakai dy back from Inti College! Haha! Which means...........PCE exam is over~!~!~!~! Yay!!!!! At least la. One burden gone ma. One stress gone also ma. So stress you know. Cos I have to pass this. I seriously need to pass this exam. But doubting it leh. Cos I did last minute study. Hahaha!

Why I post these two books? Cos it's time to throw it back to office!!!! These books can be considered as history lor. Kept by Ms Chan for so long. Hahaha!
This book leh. I conteng'ed so banyak. So later need to clean up everything first baru can give back office. Hehe =P
This book ah? So many I didn't read la. Cos I thought medical and health sap sap water only ma. Mana tau come out all I don't know -_-''' hehe =P

Conclusion, I seriously studied not until 24hours. The result will be out within 10 working days. We shall wait and see. Hahaha!

And speaking of result, my CAT Paper 6 result will be out on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nervous nervous nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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