A Sunday like no others~
Anyway, I took these pics at Inti College the day when I went for PCE. I came out half hour earlier and sat there do nothing. Me do nothing? Sure not la. With camera in hand. I mean, handphone's camera. So just simply take pics lor.
This...erm....is the alley to our exam room. I kinda like the walls. Bit of British style.
This is classroom H102. My exam room. Ueck! Haha!
Then about yesterday. Yesterday around 11am I went to Rock Road with my bro. It's my grandaunty's shop grand opening. The shop is located next to PBK tuition centre. It's called PHHP. I forgot what does it stands for dy. Haha! It was...hot, fun, bored... Haha! Semua ada la! They provided lunch for us. After lunch me and my bro left. We went to my aunty's house cos bro wana take bath. Then I persuaded him to stay there cos I'm going out with Siong. Hahaha! What a sis!
Oh! Finally I get to watch Grey's Anatomy! Missed it last week. Argh! But at least caught it yesterday. I left my bro at my aunty's house and went to find Siong. At first he told me meet at Point One at Ban Hock. But suddenly change venue when I called him around 2.30pm.
He was with a bunch of friends over at Raspberry Cafe at Petanak. Seriously I don't know the place! They told me about Kaya Toast. I said I don't know. Pop Wave? I don't know. Hahaha! Memang katak di bawah tempurung! =P BUT!!! I simply chiong and in the end I still found the place ON MY OWN!!! *blueck!* Haha! There's...urm....3 guys 1 girl exclude Siong. One name Big Boy, one called Small Boy, one is Deedoo and the girl....didn't catch her name. Heee~
We chit-chat while drinking. Lotsa jokes and laughter. Fun ler~ Then they said wana leave dy. Asked go where. Suddenly Siong said wana go Damai! Sot de ah him! And the rest of them follow him sot. They agreed! Hahaha! The time was around 3.30 I think. So ok lor. We depart. I don't wana drive up ma. Thought can follow Siong's car. Mana tau go til Deedoo's house, he came to me and said use my car *swt!*
Fine. Use my car lor. We went to meet up with the Boys and the girl. And we head up to Damai. Reaching Damai around 4smth. Ain't sure what time exactly la. Walked around and sat down chit chat again. The weather was good! It was so windy~! Siong, Big Boy and Deedoo walking in front. Didin't even bother to know whether I was still at the back. Haha!
Wuiseh! Posing woh! Haha! Caught you! bLeK!!
This is Big Boy and Deedoo. Boy trying to hide himself not knowing that he's sOo visible! Hahaha!
I didn't get the pics of the other two. Aiya! Couple ma. Sure walked somewhere else to pakto lo. Hehehe =)
A shot before leaving~ I just love beaches... Heee~
We left at 5pm. I drove Siong back to Deedoo's house to get his car. Then I went to aunty's house to pick bro.
At night me, bro, mum and cousin Li went to Kuching Fest. It's the last day dy ma. So must go lor. Met up with Chee and Siang over there. I became bulb cos I followed them and separated with mummy them. Then Siong came over with Melvin, Hong and another guy. Colin and wife joined us too. I left around 10pm last night. When I left, the people put fireworks. Nice ah! But so sad my handphone low batt dy. Can't take pic *sobs* But at least get to see. It was really nice. I felt like a small kid watching the amazing colours of fireworks. Haha!
Til then! I gotta go take something to eat. Mummy's birthday's this Wed. Gotta get her something. Hehe =)
Mm...Few seconds ago I received a sms from my ex. Which all of you should know who. I just have this sudden thought of wanting to post the sms up. The sms reads: 'You disgusting bitch!Hope u die of AIDS n rot in hell!' Funny isn't he? Haha! What a guy. The story behind is like this, I saw him today at coffeeshop when I went to buy my lunch. He didn't greet nor say anything. Neither did I. Then suddenly came this sms from him now. Hahaha!