Cute & Adorable
Third day of CNY, I went over YL's house before we head over for dinner. These pics were all taken at his house. Those kids are his nieces and nephews. They're so cute and adorable!!!
Left to right: Elisa, Elina, me & Vero
Left to right: Ivan, Elisa, me, Darren & Vero
More kids!!! Hahaz! All of them just suddenly wana take pics with me. Don't know why. The four on my left are siblings while Darren and Vero are bro and sis.
All of them again. Hehe =) See how the girls show their cute sign! portrait? Hehe =) But with so many kids? OMY! I'll faint. Hahaz!
Pretty Vero. Same age with my bro. Only 11 this year =)
Sweet Elisa. Erm...can't remember her age though. Too many of 'em la.
Naughty Darren! But the one I love most! Hehe =)
Cute Elicia with sister Elina. Heard Elicia knows how to dance eh. Not bad huh! Don't play play. Hiakz! You give her music, she show you dances =) Cute!
And lastly, my dearie~ Muackz baby muackz!

Hehe.. anyway.. good luck to the both of u. ;)