Alright so here I am. Back to back-blogging. Hehe =) Last December me and my family went on a vacation to KL and JB. It was our first time to JB. My best friend had moved over there few years ago and I've been wanting to visit her but never did until then. Me, my mom and my bro flew off to KL a night before we head down to JB. Crash at my aunty's place and we woke up to awesome breakfast! Winter soltice season was so coincidently fell on our first day at KL. My aunty made some glutinous ball for us. I love this dessert! Prefer it plain and dip into the mixture of peanut and sugar. Thank you Nong Ee~~ Then my aunty dropped us at the nearby bus station and we took the bus down from Tasik Selatan Bus Terminal to Larkin Bus Terminal at JB. Bus rate was RM31 per adult. It was a roughly 4-5 hours ride. Thank God the weather was good. Halfway during the journey, the bus came to a resting area and we had our lunch there. Nothing much. Chicken rice was the best choi...
Friends. They come and go. Everyone cross path with you for a reason. Either to be your lifelong dependable friend or just to teach you a lesson. Some come and go as quick as the quicksand. Some stayed on for couple of months and take their departure once the mission completes. While some, is just a phone call away since day one. So how do you know who belongs to which category? The answer is, you don't. Living for 30 years, having friends for as long as 20 years, I realised that it is all about the effort. The phrase, 'It takes two to tango' is so accurate that it can even predict the rainy and sunny days. What kind of effort are we talking about here? We're talking about the effort to make friend(s) and keep up the effort to make that friendship last with even the smallest step. Have you ever thought about the effort you make? What did you do to keep that friendship? Or the effort your friend(s) made to meet up, to call, or merely just a simple text...
Chinese New Year is officially over. Gotta roll back to normal work days no matter how much you hated it. But well, it's another start! So heads up peeps! Stay strong for year 2011!!! The best has yet to come! Does anyone here knows who is the first president of China? Let me bring you back to history =D I'm a sucker in history subject in school but I think this vacation had taught me alot about China's history. I get to know who is the president, who is the patriot and who else is who. Some of you may say that this is boring but I think what's boring is just texts on books. Try going to a school where they bring you all over the historical place. I'll tell you it's fun! I'm lazy to introduce much. If you want more info, you can always ask Google. Haha! Here is Dr Sun Yat Sen's house in Guangzhou when he was young. Man this house stood there for over 200 years!!!! He was a Chinese doctor who then known as the Founding Father of Republican China...