Year 2009 Resolution

Another year has gone
A new year has come
Memories left memories
The future is what we wait
Prays and hopes all sent up
But only God can make the decision
Of who, of which, of where and of why
Should all that happens, happens
With a new year ahead
All should look bright at it
So now my friends
Let's say our prayer
For God to hear
From us, from our little heart...

Well, what are my year 2009 resolution? I had made a list. So here it goes...
*Earn lotsa money (money face cinz!)
*Travel to as many places as possible (Star Cruise, Langkawi, KL and maybe, MAYBE! To where my bro is now)
*Find a happy job (still thinking and considering. economy not good now)
*Be more lovable to my darling (Darling, you should be happy liaw kua)
*Get more exercise (signing up for gym PROBABLY!)
*Eat more healthily (SALAD!!! I know I'm makin someone slurp. Haha!)
*Get a credit card (for a purpose ok!)
*Help mum do more house chores (just to stop her from nagging around)
*Play while I still can (I'm only 21 this year! and I'm living a life like my mum! wtf!)
*And of course, be more happy and cheerful =D <---should smile like this all the time. Hmm...

~~**~~^^HAPPY NEW YEAR^^~~ **~~

Perpetua Angeline


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