Weekends catch

I know I haven't been blogging for quite some time dy. I've been busy marh. Hehe =D Lai lai see I busy do what every weekend. Haha!

This is one of the drama's that I've been watching for every weekend since I-don't-know-when. It's so nice that I'm watching it again via Ppstream. Watched most of the episodes before. I remember watching the whole Season 2 which was like 3 years ago? I think. Hehe =D It's still so good!
I love all the characters. This wallpaper should be of Season 4 cos Burke isn't around. Hmm...
RooFff! Nice kan? A group of interns having affairs with their superior. Uh oh~~~
Scandally scandalious~~

Heeee~~~ Dr Bailey the nutsy. Haha! But she's so nice =D
The elevator. Always the communication 'helper'.

And there he is.......
Derek Shepherd @ McDreamy~~~
He's so charming~~~ No wonder they chose him to act as this character. Hehe =D

Ok so this isn't the only thing I've been doing all weekend every weekend. But this took major part of my weekend activities. Haha! Of course there's other movies and dramas~ Never forget Gossip Girl~~ Let's talk fashion next!


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