Make ups...haiz...

Why girls need make-ups? Why guys like pretty girls? Hahahaha!!!! I like to make-up but not the heavy type for dinner. Always suck at putting on foundation, concealer and whatever powder needed. So nope! I don't use all those.

I think an eyeliner pencil is good enough for me. Haha! Lazy pig here~~~

But I can't just go with an eyeliner to a grand dinner!!! Have a very very grand dinner to attend next Friday. My head is now filled with lots and lots and lots of questions!!!

How to do my hair? How to make-up? What dress to wear? How to put on fake lashes? Or do I even wana put it on? How to this how to that???? So yeap! I am now watching YouTube for tutorials =.='''''
Last night went Spring to buy some 'needed' stuff. My mascara had dried out so I bought one just to replace it. I don't wana smudge my eyes during the grand grand night, so bought a liquid (said waterproof) eyeliner. This time, I feel like enhancing my lashes so I bought the glue cos I do have a pair at home. Hehe =D

I don't go for branded make-up stuff. So don't introduce me Revlon or Maybeline or Kate or Anna Sui or MAC or whatever lah~ It's just way too expensive for me.

I just hope everything works out fine for me. Guess I'm not going to the salon anymore. Do my own hair at home. I applied half day leave on that day just to prepare myself for a 3hours dinner. Hahaha!

Now, do I wana go with smokey eyes or gold make-ups????? And!!! Lastly!!! How to keep my face dry and fresh??? Always gets oily and that's why I have smudge eyes =(( Sien arh~~~


Anonymous said…
i without a doubt enjoy your writing taste, very remarkable.
don't quit and keep writing due to the fact that it just very well worth to follow it,
impatient to read a whole lot more of your articles, cheers!
aNgeL-cuPid said…
Hi Anonymous,

thank you so much for your support! do drop somemore comments =) hope you enjoy reading~
ur les =P said…
i have kate eye shadows..nt tht expensive like u mention la -__-
aNgeL-cuPid said…
tapi still exp marh darilngku~ i go Cindy best. hahaha!

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