My 22nd birthday
Last Friday was Miss Me, Myself and I birthday~ This year my birthday doesn't really feel like my day at all cos the whole day was kinda horrible. I had to work whole day and also the next day. So I didn't plan for any big celebration nor late night parties. Just a quiet one.
Early morning, mum woke me up earlier to blow some candles~~
Mum got me a chocolate fudge cake as usual cos it's my favourite! =D This is actually my 2nd piece of cake. The first was from dance class.
After the song singing, birthday wishing, cake cutting and we're all off to work.
When I off work at 5pm, went to pick my cousin and head over to aunty's house to wait for mum and bro. Then we went to Pinoy Ihaw Ihaw for dinner. We've never been there before. At first I thought they serves Thai food but then I was wrong. It's actually Phillipinoes~~ Well, never try never know.
Darling arrived with another piece of cake. Kekeke =D It's a Tiramisu. Now people! Go and Google what Tiramisu means =) Spot that the 22nd is with a love and printed on paper? Darling actually made that himself! Using toothpicks to hold it there. Awww.....sweet!!!
And you'll never get this design if you order a Tiramisu cake from Taka because why? Darling's the one who designed this! How nice is that? So proud of him!!!
Weee....blowing candles for the third time. Haha!
Ok you can call me 'sakai' or anything but I'm here to tell you all that I actually NEVER eaten a Tiramisu cake before!!! The taste? Sweetness with tenderness!!!!
So yeah, now my fridge is full cos there's 2 cakes =/ Mum has no place to put her vegetables and fruits. Hahaha!
Thank you darling for the lovely cake~
Time to show you guys what we had at Pinoy Ihaw Ihaw.....
Mum ordered green tea =) She's loving green tea alot lately.
This is the Sinigang Sa Miso soup. It's fish head cooked in tamarind soup. SUPERB~!!!!! I love the sourness of it!!!
This is Pako. We ordered it to be cooked with garlic and oyster sauce ONLY but then it came with chili. When bro saw it, he wouldn't even touch it! =.=''' So we asked the waiter to change it for us.
And this was what he came back with. I think he just took away all the chili and change a plate for us. Hahaha! Not bad but a little too salty for me. Probably it's cos we've been eating healthy at home. Meaning no other added ingredients except for oyster sauce. I don't even put salt into my vege anymore! It still taste nice! =D
This is Pininyahang which means Pineapple Chicken. Not bad but the sauce isn't to my liking. The chicken was ok. Very easy to chew though.
3 of us had steamed rice. They all came in a special rattan plate with banana leaves.
While mum opt for crab rice. They have different type of rice. Ham rice, prawn rice, crab rice and one more which I forgotten. I didn't try mum's rice. So don't ask me whether is it nice. Haha!
After dinner, since it's a working day for me the next day, so we just head home and rest =)
As for presents.....
These are what I received this year. The angpow is obviously from mum =)
Darling gave me 3 novels in a box!!!!! I've been wanting this set but never get it cos it's a little expensive for me to spend that amount at one time. Thank you again darling!!!! =D Oh the socks is from my bro. Haha! Thanks bro!
Birthday card from darling. Not gonna reveal what he wrote. Blek~~~
Cuteness attack!!!!!!!!!!
This pair of flats was also from my mum. She bought this for me a week before my birthday when we were out shopping. Thanks mum!
That's all for my birthday. Time really flies. It felt as if it was just yesterday that I had my 21st birthday bash. But look, now I'm 22 already. Wuuu......How I wish I can stop the time....
Early morning, mum woke me up earlier to blow some candles~~

When I off work at 5pm, went to pick my cousin and head over to aunty's house to wait for mum and bro. Then we went to Pinoy Ihaw Ihaw for dinner. We've never been there before. At first I thought they serves Thai food but then I was wrong. It's actually Phillipinoes~~ Well, never try never know.

Time to show you guys what we had at Pinoy Ihaw Ihaw.....

After dinner, since it's a working day for me the next day, so we just head home and rest =)
As for presents.....

That's all for my birthday. Time really flies. It felt as if it was just yesterday that I had my 21st birthday bash. But look, now I'm 22 already. Wuuu......How I wish I can stop the time....