Hanging Around @ KIA

Last Friday night, me and bf went over to Kuching International Airport (KIA) to hang around. Hehe =D As if lah we're so free. Was actually there to sent my dear friend, Chester off. He came back for about 10days and time just flew off like that. Aihh...

Anyway, he told me his flight was 9 something. Didn't tell me the exact time and I didn't know he's flying off to KL instead of SG. Logged into AirAsia site and found nothing that reads KUC-SG. So what time should I go to airport? To be safe, I went there at 8.30pm sharp. Haha!

And dumbly waited for an hour =.=''' It was freezing cold ok! And I was stupidly wearing my sleeveless tank. Ish!

Pictures were taken using Lumix DMC-FX35 which belonged to bf's niece. Also, pictures were all edited by bf before he sent them to me =.=''' And thus the words on the photos.

And since I have so much time to waste, we went around and fooled ourselves just for the sake of photos. =P~ That monster I'm holding reminds me of something but I forgot what.

Heh? Lost in KIA? It's not KLIA lah~~

Bah~ Fooled until got nothing else to be fooled with so we decided to take some pics of the KIA itself. When there's only one camera in hand, the other person will be dumbly sitting at a corner looking as if she's lost or maybe waiting for a taxi?

And finally he came! Grab a hug and a photo and off he went.

Gonna miss him much. Until probably he comes back again or I fly SG for vacation. Hehe =)



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