How Can You Resist?

"This is an article posted on a magazine. Find this rather interesting and thought of sharing it with the guys =) "

When she offers forbidden pleasures, it's tempting to forget your vows. Before you go any closer, read this....

You've met her, maybe you work with her - the woman who hints at possibilities. But when flirting turns to invitation - and it's definitely not your imagination - you have a decision to make. Will you exit gracefully or act disgracefully?

Rather than say "I would never have an affair", be honest and look at what makes you vulnerable. As in driving, it's easier to avoid dangerous situations than escape from them.

The Chummy Coworker

Ask yourself : "Am I treating her just as I would a male coworker?" If not, then that's your warning. Re-establish a formal relationship and call her Ms Cooper, not Debra.

When you're together : Never close your door or blinds. The more eyes on you, the better. Never gripe about your home life - it's an invitation for her to 'demonstrate she's better than what you have'.

The Still-Hot Ex

Ask yourself : Could my wife (or girlfriend) be invited to this rendezvous? If not, don't have that meeting with the ex. You need to remind yourself of how this woman was bad for you. Repeat the mantra: "She's trouble - run."

When you go : Tell your wife you're going to see the ex. This automatically helps keep you in line because you know that when you get home, your wife is going to ask you about it.

The Biz-Trip Temptress

Ask yourself : What will happen after the sex? The more you think it through, the easier it is to walk away. Imagine everyone you're near has a hotline to your wife. Then imagine her look of horror and despair.

When she keeps touching your forearm : Blurt out, "I'm married" (or "I have a girlfriend"). It's to remind yourself of your situation as much as it is to inform her. And have a "trouble buddy" stand by to bust if you start canoodling.

When you feel the urge : Go to a bathroom and masturbate. This can relieve some sexual tension and give you about 30 minutes of sanity. Use this window to get out.


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