Magnum's Gift

According to my title of this post, yeah, this is just a short one showing you guys what Magnum 4D is giving away. Um...don't ask me how to get this thing or is there any terms and conditions or is it a competition or anything cos I know nothing! Or more to say, I forgot =/

Mom got it from Magnum 4D few weeks ago, not weeks like months-weeks but about 2 weeks ago. It's interesting that a lottery business actually give this things to customers eh.

At first when I looked at it, I thought it's a reading specs casing or maybe just an empty case. But heck no! Nothing similar to my thoughts!!!

These are what I found inside! Little beauty accessories!!! Nail clippers, nail buffer, scissors to trim eyebrow, hair clipper and the thing you use to clean your ears. Wow!!! Nice kan? Hehe =D

Maybe you will wana go down to Magnum 4D and check it our yourself on how to get this thing! And then, do share with me since I'd forgotten about it. Hehe =P


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