2010 Review

It's 12.52am right now and I'm gonna do some review for the whole of last year. Time definitely flies alot this time. Could it be ageing signs? Hahaha! I might miss out a few stuff since I didn't blog that much this year. Too busy with studies and work and games probably. Heeee~

*Organized my very first primary school reunion. Not all came but it was awesome max!!!
*Started LCCI Level 1 class. Fuh~

*Chinese New Year =)
*My great ex-colleague, Sze Sze finally got married!!!! Awwww......true blessings!
*Another simple reunion for primary schoolmates on the 5th day of CNY and it was again another blast!

*2nd year anniversary celebrated at Silhoutte
*The month I joined Sarawak Bloggers for good!
*My grandpa got into newspaper!!!!! Heeeee~
*Got my first birthday present from someone.....a Sony walkman!!!!
*Continue to collect more novels from Popular book fair

*And the biggest present I've got this year? To be announced as FEATURED BLOGGER OF THE MONTH BY SARAWAK BLOGGERS!!!!!
*Attended Pullman Grand Opening Gala Dinner
*Earth Hour falls on April too. Celebrated with few friends at Secret Garden
*Attended first event with Sarawak Bloggers - Thalgo Terre Mer launch
*The movie Ice Kacang Puppy Love was up and I met with Ah Niu and Ping Guan for the first time~
*Went to the dog show at Kenyalang. Also my first time. Hmm....
*And finally went to movie with friends! After ages!

*Got my belly pierced. *oops!* Heeee~
*Mothers' Day celebration and bro's birthday

*LCCI Level 1 examination. Huuuu~~~ BUT I PASSED WITH DISTINCTION!!!!
*Joined aeroplane chess competition with bf, bro and cousin!!! FUN!!!
*Photoshoot at Prince Vogue Bridal
*Attended my first paid event! The Celcom XPlay party!!! And I met Jun Fook for the first time there!!!
*Chester's homecoming dinner

*Footie gather at Premier 101. Go Germany! LOL
*The month when my dream came true......oh Dear Nikon D3000~ =D

*A very very sad month.....an old friend, Nancy passed away.....
*Yado cafe finally opens =)
*Of course, August means Kuching Day and that too means Kuching Festival =)
*Went to my first FREE FOOD session at Cafe Majestic
*My first Street Photography session with Sarawak Bloggers

*Laksa session with the bloggers
*Bf's friend, Annie got married and I drooled over the car. Not the food. Hahaha!
*My very first dance performance on Malaysia Day! AWESOME!!!!

*Another dance performance at Bridal Fair located at Pullman
*Oh Selamat....Hari Raya~~~ Ada rendang dekat rumah Fahriee~~~
*Surprise dinner by Choon Fung
*Went all the way up to Mount Singai with colleagues and friends

*Assigned as photographer at Yado. Heee~
*3 days trip to KL just to send bro over and had fun at Times Square which I now regretted cos I didn't shop! Argh!
*LCCI Level 2 examination. Huuuuuu~~~ Awaiting result =/

*Nothing big happened this month except.........I WENT TO CHINA, MACAU AND HONG KONG FOR 8 DAYS!!!!! Weeeeeeee~~~

Alright that's it. Tomorrow I'll post up my new year message. Getting dizzy now thanks to Rodz. Nights!


KeeMan said…
What a good year Pep! :)

Take care and good night! Don't get high with the cake like Rodz. hehe

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