Christmas Present by Grabbs
Last year before Christmas, I joined a contest sponsored by many online blogshops which I found through A Shopaholics Den. It's to choose a gift sponsored by a blogshop then email them and say why you wanna win this gift. And so I browsed through the gift and saw a handbag. A very nice one which will fit my mom well since she's complaining about small bags and very little compartments. And without much thoughts, I sent them an email.
While the contest was going on, I was busy away for vacation and I totally forgot it! Mom actually bought a handbag from Hong Kong. The fake Burberry bag. LOL
Days after New Year, I received an email from A Shopaholics Den saying........I WON THE CONTEST!!!!! Goodness I was so excited!!! Seriously I totally forgotten about it. They asked for my details and I immediately press the 'Reply' button.
2 days later the parcel arrived! Weeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It's a gift sponsored by Grabbs, an online blogshop. Do check them out alright? Heeeee~
I asked to send the parcel to my office. The bag is huge! See the size compared to my keyboard? Haha! But most importantly.....................................................................................
Here I wana say THANK YOU to GRABBS and ASHOPAHOLICSDEN for this great contest and THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING ME!!!!