Guangzhou Pearl River Night Cruise

Alright! Back to business! Err I mean blog. =D I've been so busy lately. The work + school week started right after 4th day of CNY *yawn* And to be even more happy (maybe I should cos can eat chicken rice everyday) I'm gonna have class every single night from Monday to Friday for the whole February. Oh love my life or not?

And now that the roads are getting dug, traffics became more and more 'smooth'. I'm searching for alternative roads to get me from office to school. Argh!

Ok continue from previous post. I was at Guangzhou just 2 months ago! And I wana go back see panda again!!!!

So after we left the zoo and the uberly cute panda, tour guide brought us to shop around the streets of Guangzhou where I FINALLY FOUND MY BOOTS!!! I've been searching all over Shenzhen and Dongguan until I got so frustrated. Haha! I know I'm fussy. Hehehe =D

This is the main shopping street if you wana shop at Guangzhou. It's call Shangxiajiu street. One thing about this place is gotta take good care of your husband or bf or son. Cos they might get 'snatch away' by 'girls'. Haha! =P~

After the satisfied shopping, we went for dinner. No photos of food here cos it's not nice. LOL

Then after dinner we headed over to the awesome and history made (I think) night cruise! It's really rEAlly REALLY BEAUTIFUL!!!!! We gotta pay for this cruise trip but man it's just so sO SO WORTH IT!!! And tour guide said it's just for temporary. The government will close it down after don't know how long. Why close down worhh~~~ It's so nice =(

This is the cruise we're taking. Looks more like a ferry with windows. Can choose to sit inside or......

Get up to the deck and enjoy the scenery!!! Gotta brighten this photo cacatedly due to my AA batt all died. *(&*%&$%$&%*&*(&(^&^% And therefore this photo looks cacated. But don't focus on our face please. Focus on the lights on the buildings behind us!

THIS BRIDGE LIGHTS WILL CHANGE AFTER FEW SECONDS!!!! In fact all of their bridges can do that!

And even their buildings! This is something like the Opera House at Sydney. Something to do with musical also. It's so pretty lahhhhh!!!! How can I not fall in love with this place? =) Imagine it's Valentine's Day and you bring your Valentine on this cruise and have candlelight dinner overlooking all these beautifully lit up buildings and bridges and cruise~ Romantic kan???? Ok someone PLEASE FLY ME TO GUANGZHOU NOW so that I can celebrate my Valentine there tomorrow night! Hahahaha!

Last but not least, the PERFECTESTESTESTES photo of the whole awesome trip!!! I forgot what's this building for but doesn't it look so AWESOMELY AMAZINGLY GREATLY FANTASTICALLY BEAUTIFUL??????

Ok I better go find a China bf now so that I can go on this river cruise tomorrow night. Bye!


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