Johnnie Walker Black Circuit Lounge

HeYo everybody! I've got AWESOME news for you all! Something BIG is coming to pump the heart of Malaysia with music and whisky!!

Something bold.........................................

Something stylish...............................................

Something sophisticated..............................................

Something that keeps everyone alive..........................................


Yes! You are absolutely right! It's the ultra exclusive and highly anticipated party ever! And it's coming down to Kuala Lumpur on the 9th of April which happens to be MY BIRTHDAY!!!

The Black Circuit Lounge is the official race party of the Malaysian Grand Prix. The party will be brought to you by none other than Johnnie Walker, the award-winning world's number one Scotch whisky & global partner of Formula One team Vodafone McLaren Mercedes since 2005 because they both share the values of innovation, winning and leadership.

What's a party without a dj? Coming to you all the way from both coasts of USA, DJ Sophia Lin and DJ Enferno! They will not only rock the whole place but will make sure you Keep on Walking cos the night is forever young!

“What you have done to deserve the rewards of luxury and a successful lifestyle?”

As a young adult, I have yet to reach my goal of luxury and successful lifestyle. I'm still keeping up on my pace in both studies and work trying to focus on my one and only dream in life. Balancing these two major activities takes my party life away! And what's more? This party so happens to be on my birthday! The exact date! 9th of April!!! Now do I think I need to party? YES I DO! And in fact, I wish to have more passes just so I can bring my friends to celebrate my 23rd birthday over at this glamourous event!!! What am I without friends right? 

So my question to you:

Do YOU want to join ME at this cool and inspirational campaign, the ultimate Black Circuit Lounge and experience the lifestyle of Formula One?

Say yes and head on to Johnnie Walker Malaysia and LOVE the page!

Speaking of Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button. Just look at how they party! Hey maybe we should do the same! Heeee~ I would love to meet them! Will they be there? I don't know. You gotta check that out yourself~

Hope to see you all there! Remember! It's my birthday so let's party together the VVIP way!



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