Birthday at Garden Hill

Yeap it's 24th of April and I'm blogging about my birthday =.= This is only part one of my whole birthday post. Celebrated my birthday 3 times this year!!! And it's seriously an awesome one!!! 

Morale: When you've got great friends, nothing is ever down!

The weekend before my actual birthday, bf brought me to my favourite dining place, Garden Hill for an exquisite dinner for two. He even made reservation earlier! =D The reason I love this place is cos of the environment and the breathtaking view of Kuching from top. I'm sure everyone knows how beautiful Kuching is right? =)

Somehow I think my hair looks like the tail of an animal =.= Double colored =.='''''''

My ice blended chocolate! Yummmmmmeh!!! But I think the milk taste is a lil too heavy for me. You know I don't take milk =(

Bf had ice blended peach. Not bad~

Me and my beef steak with wine sauce! Slurpssss~~~ I've been trying to seek that very taste of beef steak I had years ago but I still can't find it anywhere in Kuching! Help!!!!

Bf ordered Gordon Bleu. I don't know why there's a weird taste in it =( Made me nearly puke! OMG! =(( I still don't know what is that thing that gives the weird taste!

Thank you darling for this awesome dinner! Not for the food but for the breathtaking view! =)

Later, I receive tweet from Eve the Dutchez asking for HH. So yeap! Since we have no where to go, I called her up and we headed over to Picca!!! My first time there wehh!!

And when it comes to HH, everyone will say YES! The HH kaki: Eve and friend, Sally (right?), Rodz, Sherrie, Fahri and of course the mayor, Tasha! =)

Picca is gonna be in my list for drinking place cos it's just peaceful and cozy unlike other clubs thats full of smoke and extreme loud music =X

There goes my pre-birthday celebration~~~ Mwah mwah mwah! Gonna blog part 2 later noon =)


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