Birthday Back Home

Just the night before my birthday, a Friday night. As usual, I had class til 9.30pm. Dead hour every single night! Anyway, bf reminded me to head home straight after class so well, I was suspecting something already =D

Reached home and yeap! Saw his car.

Bf came to celebrate birthday with me before anyone else does. Hehehe =)

Black forest cake by bf. He told them to made the cake with lotsa chocolate. Awwww........

Mom looks happier than me. LOL Probably I was just too tired after the long day.

Of course, I demand for present twice a year. First is birthday, second is Christmas =D Only twice ok!

And never had I thought that bf actually read my mind!!! How on earth can he know that I wanted a watch??? I didn't even put it into my wishlist (The one I showed him). Hmm.....心有灵犀??? Teeeheeeheee~~

Alright gotta admit. I was just so touched that I broke into tears =/ Seriously, how???

And he even know that I wanted a square face watch with black color straps!!! Gosh did he attend mind-reading class without my knowledge???

How can I not love this man more? =) He surely knows what I want. Thank you Love~

Next morning, another cake appeared on dining table! From mom and bro~ Oh did I forget to mention that my bro played guitar for me the night before alongside with the song Happy Birthday by mom and bf? Heee~ Proud of him being a great guitarist now!

I love my mom more than anyone else in this world! She is the first! She is the best! 

Mwah! I love my birthday when I have got chocolate cakes and presents and of course, loves from home~


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