Craziest Birthday Ever!

Alright, this is the last post about my birthday. Oh such long post!!! When there's dinner with the gang, there's always round two!!!

This time we headed over for massive drinks and music and oh I love to dance!!!

Picca Picca Picca! I told you I'll be back!

The night was still young when we arrived =D And we got the cushion seats without even reserving! So true that the early birds get the worms!!!

Oh and did you know that Piccadillys have ladies night on Thursday and Saturday? =D Pay only RM10 and you get to refill it all night long!!! Cheers to the ladies! 

Surely all the ladies enjoyed our ladies night~

Joe went for something manly. Kilkenny!!! Before I could stop him, he drank that big gulp =.=

Me and my ladies night lucky draws!!! Hehehehehe It's always good being a lady eh? =D

DJ of the night~

Hmm....about Johnnie Walker. Yeah I was supposed to be at the huge event held at Palace of Golden Horses but what happened? I decided not to go because the air ticket is just way too expensive for me to spend just one night at KL. I'll do that next year =) Keep Walking darling!!!

The night slowly went wild and crazy when everyone got hype after a few glass =P

Met Tasha there too! I always love her makeups! I look so pale standing next to her =(

Yes of course I won something! Show you later. Damnit I was so excited over this shit.

Eve got hers too! She's luckier. Got a RM100 voucher. And again, WE'LL BE BACK!

Another birthday cake gifted by Thalia. But this cake, instead of going into our tummy, it went all over our face and hair and clothes and floor!!! Pity the worker had to clean it up for us =P

Hah! This is seriously shit! Picca owner knows it's our birthday, they gave us this shit drink and told us to finish it! It's call Flaming Lambo (Thanks Fahri!). Ughhh! The worst drink I'd ever had!!! This shit thing made me puke when I got home =.=''' I swear I'll never touch this thing again!

See how the flames went? It tasted like shit. Damn sweet and mild!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! You can drown me in anything BUT THIS SHIT!!!

The prize I won from Picca. A piece of orange soap by Body Shop =.= FML! F over a soap!

Whisky from Joe. Thank you dear!!! So, when are we gonna drink this? =D

I will say this year's birthday is the best of all celebrations I ever had in my life! Up to now though. Hehehe =) I'm sure life will be more interesting as I mingle more with party people! Sure everyone around me knows how to party hard!

Like I've always said, What am I without friends? =) 


Jonathan said…
We drink that over the next gathering. My choice of place and you choose the date and time!

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