Mummy's Birthday 2011

22nd August marks my momma's birthday! So last Sunday, I came up with the idea of baking her a cake since now that I can bake. Hehe =) 

Bf came over to help me out with baking. I baked banana cake for mom. Why banana cake? Not because my mom loves it but my brother asked for it. Haha! At least I know someone will help to finish the cake =D Mom does not have the banana cake recipe so I went onto Google. I really have to appreciate Google more now that I can find almost anything on it.

Baking banana cake is as easy as baking butter cake. Almost the same recipe except to reduce on the butter and add in bananas. I even add half teaspoon of banana essence so that the cake smells much yummy!

The cake ready to be put into oven. Baking time was about 50minutes.

The cake fresh from oven. Smells really good!! I love baking because when the aroma comes out from the oven, it will fill your whole house with the sweet taste!

After that, I let it cool off and then started off with my decorations. My own idea. Hehe =) I can be creative you know. Hahaha =P~

Banana cake with melted chocolates and fresh bananas toppings~~ Had to store it in the fridge of course. Was suppose to surprise mom during dinner but she went to the fridge when she got home and found it inside. Hahaha! Next time I'm gonna need a mini fridge in my room! =D

Momma happy with the cake I baked! I mean me and bf baked it together. Hehe =) She still asked me "You baked this??? So pandai???" =) Mom! I've got your baking genes~

And you thought that's all that I gave to my mom? That's only the first gift for the night before her birthday. I have something else hidden to be shown to her on the actual day. Which is.....................................

My LCCI Diploma in Accounting result of course! Tadah! I FINALLY passed all 3 subjects! Not only passed but I passed with DISTINCTION! Beat that! =P~

I got my result 3 days before mom's birthday and it's real hard to keep the happy news from her. Hehehe =) I'm really proud of my own result although I could have gotten full distinction but it's alright. It's over now. Why am I so proud?

I deserved to be proud. I failed few times in my CAT last time and then I decided to quit studies. Until I got hit by the fact that I'm useless without a cert, I saved money and registered myself into Sunway College Kuching. Paid every single cent on my own. Registration fees, school fees and exam fees. Every single expenses on my own! My first two level I managed to pass with distinction too. So tell me why can't I be proud of myself? =)



ahlost said…
Congratulations on your results..

and Happy bleated birthday to Aunty :)

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