Random Updates 08-08-2011

Hi! I'm still alive!

I know I've abandoned my blog for weeks now. I'm just way too lazy to take picture of stuff and then transfer into pc. The thoughts of needing to choose the perfect photos from the hundreds I've taken at Kuching Festival this year, is so tiring. Then the editing session is needed. Oh my laziness is killing me!

So much had happened in my life lately. Stories which I can't put them into words here. Hmm....How to do a locked post? I need to speak out but I can only tweet. Nowadays tweeting doesn't really give me that much freedom anymore. When I have nowhere to brag, I'll just die a little bit more inside of me.

I have 3 pending posts to do but without photos, my posts will be just another random post. So I shall wait until the day when I feel hardworking again.

By the way, have any of you been to Kuching Fest? I heard the fried durian this year is the must-buys. I saw people queuing for it the other night but I didn't queue. The following night when I went back, at 8pm, the fried durian is sold out =.=''' I think I'll find a day to go there right after work just to buy it. Wonder how good it tastes. I still love the durian puff from last year. Glad that it's still available this year. Bought it everytime I went =P Been there for 3 times already. Enough of Taiwan sausages for me.

Also, it's the Ramadhan month. How are you all doing? I always love the Ramadhan bazaar. So many things to see and buy. I'd missed it 4years already. When I was working at ING, I went there almost everyday during lunch hour. Awesome food they've got there. But now that my workplace is far south, I haven't have the time to visit any of the bazaar. But this weekend, bf is bringing me to one of the Ramadhan buffet. Hopefully the food there is as nice as those at the bazaar =)

Anyway, gotta go before I got slammed at the face for bragging. Til we meet again~


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