Colmar Tropicale @ Berjaya Hills

Welcome to Colmar Tropicale at Berjaya Hills. This little French town belongs to Berjaya Group. Awesome mind to set up this beautiful town. I wonder whose idea was it to make it French. One word: Worthy!

We took the shuttle bus from Berjaya Hotel to Colmar Tropicale. Round trip per person is RM55. Everything else available on Google search. Hehe =P

A French clock by the entrance. It's 2 sided so I suppose one side is Malaysian time and the other is French? Didn't bother to ask about it. 

Checked into our room. Always love huge mirror. Cos I can camwhore gao gao!

A little disappointed with our room cos ah well, people always do the trick using photos =.= Our room doesn't even have balcony!!! Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

But I love the bathroom! White means clean and neat and comfy!

Time for more photos. This orange building is our room block. There's different name for all different blocks. Don't bother asking, I forgot what's ours =.= Dragged too long to write this post equals to lost of memory.

A wishing well which no longer attracts me. Not a fan of wishing well. Make my wish to God is better.

Stage for performance when the sun sets.

More buildings. 

And more sceneric view. There's very limited stores for souvenir purchase or any other stuff. Therefore I didn't buy anything back. Save money!

The blue building is the registration lobby. We got lost and had to ask where to register for our room =.=

A view from the top of the viewpoint. Nice kan? How I wish I can design my house's exterior this way. Sure striking! 

Smile for photo! Luckily there was a couple there, else no one to help us take photo. Ho ho ho!

Hmm....I kinda like this photo. Not knowing why. The color maybe...

That's the bridge connecting the carpark to the town. It's like entering a castle!!!

And they have pond with beautiful swans underneath. 

And a pair of black swans which refused to swim together =.=

I'm pretty I know. Kthxbai!

While waiting for the free shuttle bus to bring us to Japanese Village, took the short time to snap a photo. Mini roundabout =P

Welcome to the Japanese Village. The first village above I-don't-know how many metres from sea level. And yes I have an addiction of taking waterfalls this way =.= 

This is the so-called main section of Japanese Village. Can only enter if you are renting the kimono. So I'm not going in. There's another small hut for photograph session, a restaurant and a mini souvenir shop. That's all. Nothing much worth to see here.

And yet we have to WALK up this steep road =.=''' It took all my breath and strength and stamina and energy to walk up only to end up with disappointment. Ugh!

Back to French town. 

It was about 4pm and my energy were all drained out by that walk up Jap Village so we went to this lil bakery for some tea break. This is chicken curry puff. Yum! It's delicious! Really! Man now I miss it =(

Later we went back to our room and nap til dinner time. 

Dinner's served! Had Italian dinner instead of French cos the French restaurant only serves red wine and no other beverage. So we had very limited choice. There's only one French restaurant, one Italian restaurant, one local ayam penyet restaurant, one bakery and one cafe for our buffet breakfast. How limited!!!

Here's to bf's favourite pasta. The seafood type =)

I hear beef? I'm in! I can eat anything with beef. An all time beef lover!

Then took a few night shots. Ahhhh the place is absolutely beautiful after being lit by all the beautiful lights and made the whole town looked so romantic!

Love the atmosphere! It's rather cooling at night. 

That's the viewpoint tower. Hehe =)

Oh did I mention there were performance by SUPER SEXY dancers? Absolutely HAWT!

The lucky guy was dragged up and danced with the two sexy pretty ladies!

Man I must say I love their performance and especially their bodies! You've got to see their abs. I REALLY need to get some exercise. *cakap je pandai!*

Next morning........

We went for horse riding!!!! RM25 per person for 10minutes. Ah whatever I'm all hype up for that ride so nothing's gonna stop me!

Why no white horse hor???

See we rode to Kuala Lumpur! Haha! If only lah~ *slaps self!*

YESH!!!! Finally a horse ride after er......17years? Man I feel so old. 

Gugugaga me love horsey rides!

Conclusion, I love this little French town for their awesome buildings and for the horse ride. Not for the food though. I'll think twice if anyone were to ask me go again. =) Ta!


ahlost said…
Waaah.. this is the place I always wanted to go.. but then.. might think twice after reading your blogpost :D

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