Fort Cornwallis

Right. So it's already the 3rd last day of March and here I am writing only the 3rd posts for March. I'm glad my boss didn't fire me yet. Oh maybe just yet =P Boss, if you're reading this, don't fire me ok? I'll gambateh next month. Hahaha! Janji tu mungkin mungkir lah =P Ok before I procrastinate more, I better start writing.

Continue from previous post, it was after day 2's lunch at Penang, we took the bus to Penang Hill. But argh! Luck wasn't on our side. The minute our bus reached the gate, the security closed it! I went down and asked, they said the cable car are gonna be under maintenance for 2 hours and my face went =.=''' wth! So I went back to the bus and told bf about it. Oh great! 

We thought, ah since there's no place to go and I didn't bring my schedule with me, might as well head back to hotel, get some rest and then reschedule everything. So we hopped back the bus and told bus driver that we wanted to go back to Prangin Mall bus station. But while in the bus, I saw an angmoh holding a map. I had the urge to borrow it from her but I feel paiseh so I held back. I start fiddling around my phone's Google map and see if I can find anything interesting nearby. Then I saw Tourist Information Centre, I felt as if I got hit by a brick at my head. How can I be so dumb that I didn't think of taking a map from the airport at first place! Dumbass! After searching around knowing that the information centre is near to jetty, I went to the bus driver and asked can he send us to jetty, he said ok and I felt so relieved! Boy that was a near hit!

So here we are! Church Street Pier! Penang's jetty for ferry transfer and for all the other cruises and boats to anchor. This is the newly built jetty.

We saw Libra Cruise and ferry! I wasn't that excited about the cruise but was fascinated to see the ferry. Hehe =P There's so many cars and motorbikes going onto the ferry just to get across. Have you been on the ferry before? How was it? =)

View from jetty. Lots of parking space for small boats.

From the jetty, we had to walk down the whole stretch until the Queen Victoria Memorial Clock Tower. Opposite the clock tower is a roundabout where you can see humongous metal nutmeg. I didn't know that's a nutmeg until Edmund told me. Hahaha! Noob head! The information centre is the end of the shoplot in front of the clock tower.

After collected the free map, we headed opposite to Padang Kota Lama for tea break. Coconut drink and mee sotong. This mee sotong sucks! Too oily and too spicy. We end up finishing all our drinks cos it's way too spicy for us. No more second chance!

Facing the Padang Kota Lama is.....................................

Hello from Fort Cornwallis! =D I didn't plan to come here cos friends told me there's nothing to see inside, but since we've got extra time now and it's just nearby, so we went in and explore. Just wanna know how empty it is.

Entrance fee: RM2 per person. Ok bah. They need that small fee for maintenance of those cannons.

The history of Fort Cornwallis which I'm lazy to read. Oh that proud statue is Sir Francis Light. The founder of Penang Island. He was the one who built this fort during the war with er...........ok fine. I threw all my history back to my cikgu already. So don't ask me. Go seek Mr Google.

There's a small chapel in the fort too. The doorway is really low. I wonder why they made it that low. The angmohs can enter meh? They're taller than us Asians kan? Hmm........

Do you see what I saw? =D Mari kita berperang! RISK! =P~

The big boy with the huge cannon ready to kaboom Straits of Malacca =D The lighthouse still standing proud eh. Nice! But can't enter =(

Conclusion? It was empty at first when I was lurking around but then when I found those cannons, I got excited. Ok maybe small things like these makes me curious so that's why I was happy =P

It didn't take us long before we head out and explore the streets outside. Oh there's another name for Padang Kota Lama which is in front of Fort Cornwallis, it's also called Padang Esplanade =) And here, you will find lots and lots of beca!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~ I LOVE RIDING BECA! Yes instead of calling is a tricycle, I think the word beca sounds cuter and suits the transport itself =P RM20 for the uncle to send us from Fort Cornwallis back to our hotel at Jalan Burma. Worth it? ABSOLUTELY! Although the sun was scorching hot but ah who cares! It's not like you get to ride beca everyday here =P So it's a MUST! I made riding-beca a compulsory activity in my list. Hahaha! I think my happiest activity at Penang will be riding beca =D

Oh this! See that slightly lighter greyish stretch on the road? That's the railway tracks. They didn't remove it and yet still maintain it so well. How can you not love Penang for the itsy bitsy stuff that they took the effort to maintain right?

Random buildings that we passed by. From top is the St George Church. It is said to be the oldest Anglican church in Southeast Asia!!! And what's proud? It's located at Penang! Awesome kan? =D Next is St Xavier Institution. St Joseph's brother. Below is Penang Court House and next is the main overhead bridge at Penang.

Last but not least, the Leaning Tower of Komtar! Hahahahaha! Don't blame me. Blame the bumpy beca ride =P

Dinner will be on the next post. Oh finally meet Edmund on 2nd day's dinner. He'd been so frustrated over the rain that we brought. Hehe =P


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