My Birthday

Hello April babies! It's still not too late to wish all of us HAPPY BIRTHDAY APRIL BABIES!!! As always, I will receive tons of love on my birthday. How so? Because I always get triple celebration! One with family, one with friends and one with bf. Birthday is bliss! 

This year my birthday falls on Monday, which was also the first day for the Sushi King annual RM2 per plate promotion. How lucky! But before that, on Saturday night, the weekend before, Kent brought me out for superlicious dinner at Chef @ Home. I've only been there once and I love the environment though nowhere beats Garden Hill.

Here comes my lamb chop. Yum yum! I think I'm kinda switching from steak to lamb chop nowadays. Not sure why. Maybe it's cos I still have yet to get that awesome steak taste I've once had. Miss!

Kent's mixed grill. Love this too! He asked me a question which I don't know how to answer: Why do you love western food so much? I can only say, I have no idea why. Hahaha! I just prefer western food than chinese food.

Our drinks and mushroom soup. Love this dinner! But the rain kinda spoil the beautiful night so we head off elsewhere for drinks with friends.

Bing at Hills! My 2nd time there but 1st time sitting down and have my cup of coffee. No wait. That's hot chocolate. Which.....................................there's milk inside =.= My dear boy didn't know that hot chocolate actually has heavy milk taste so in the end, he had the whole cup. Haha! In case you didn't know, I don't drink milk =P I just can't take the smell of it and will vomit =X I know I'm weird.


Awesome day! A day I never thought will turn out like this. Oh memories~ Me love! Me miss!

It was a beautiful day in the morning when suddenly.....................IT RAINS! =.= But the love for rains! I was once again being kidnapped to this unknown place. Our memories start here. Kent brought me back to where we first hang out =) Maybe I should mark this place as our dating spot. Haha! Wanna guess where is this? No prize given to winner though =P

Finally my birthday cake! Kent went for much hassle just to get me this super yummylicious cake from Secret Recipe. It's chocolate plus cheese cake with strawberry fillings! Super fat super yummy and ULTIMATELY SWEET!

Yes I actually blew my candles in his van! New way of celebrating birthday but I LOVE IT! It's an extraordinary celebration! Tell me how many of you actually ever blow candles on your birthday cake in a van while facing the beautiful river? =D

Yay happy birthday to me! One year older, one year more beautiful kan? Hahaha! But after I finish that cake, I'm pretty damn sure that I'm one kg heavier! =P

Thank you so much Dear for everything you've prepared! =)

Monday! The actual day of my birthday. Needless to say, I went for Sushi King promotion with my mom and bro. Of course, bf was there too. And then.......................

I finally received my present from dearie~ I was tricked by him cos he told me that it's fragile and will break if I shake it. So I stupidly handle it gently. But when I opened it up...............

Guess what I saw? =D

Bf gave me my favourite facial products! Cleanser and tonic lotion from Thalgo! Me love! I never expect him to get me this. I didn't bother to guess anyway. Hee~ But I must say, I'm very very happy with this gift. Comes in really useful =)

It was a wonderful birthday celebration for me this year. Things came unplanned and unexpected and most of all, beautiful =) I'm being loved!


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