RJ Ayam Bakar

A month ago when Elisha was back in town, we went for dinner at RJ Ayam Bakar. The one in town. It's my 2nd time there. A place famous for ayam penyet and ayam bakar. Wait, they're different right? Anyway, I'm not a fan of ayam penyet but there's just something there that I fell in love with. 

Sha went back to hometown some time ago after graduation but because of pack schedule, we didn't manage to meet up before he leave. So when he told me that he's coming over to attend his first master class, I insisted at meeting up =) No more excuses. 

Sha's favourite ayam penyet. Mike couldn't make it so I WhatsApp this photo to him and he went on scolding his tummy ache. Hehe =P It does look nice but nah, I'm not a fan of chicken. I'm a beef lover~

As I wasn't in the mood for heavy meal, I opt for small finger food and of course, my favourite food there.

Peanut butter with chocolate toast! I wanted to have their Nutella toast but sadly they ran out of Nutella =( I shall go back for that next time.

This is my favourite, BANANA FRITTERS WITH CHEESE! In case some of you don't know, banana fritters means pisang goreng =) I ordered the large size and by the time I finished this plate, I couldn't take in anymore food so I had to bring the toast home for next day's breakfast. It's a good way to diet right? But then again, not too much cos it's fried.

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On a different story, just posting a photo that had been outdated and forgotten til I saw it on my desktop. Hehe =)

Tea break with Yong Lim at FullHouse on the day I need to go BCCK for food tasting =P My all-time favourite passion fruit tea and mushroom soup with almonds. Not bad but the soup can still improve. I love the environment there. Seems very lovey dovey.

Back to story.

Now that Sha moved back to hometown, we can only meet up whenever he comes over Kuching to attend class which is once a month. And only will be here for the weekend. Previous weekend we had a good time at Kim's place for steamboat and board games. It's gonna be another 30 days before we meet again. By then I'll be at KL. Oh dear~~~ Hope I can squeeze a lil time for lunch or tea break before he leaves =(


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