Jimmy & Alice's Wedding

Dated 17th November 2012. Weddings after weddings after weddings! Never ending weddings when it comes to year end. This time round, it's Jimmy and Alice's wedding dinner! 

Aha! Finally the lengzai I've known for years is settling down eh. Hehe =) And so he says "我嫁了!". Haha! So glad that at last he found a lady that suits him. 

Yam seng session! See any familiar faces? Hehe =) This is the blogger aka photographer table.

I remember Jimmy was the first to bring me out to the blogging world when I just started my own lil blog. He brought me around to events and parties and gatherings. Without him, I wouldn't be who I am today either. So yes, thank you Jimmy for being my friend for so many years =)

A never-to-be-missed group photo. Why I don't remember taking any photos of the food? Hmm.....

Anyway, congrats to both of you newly weds!

I'm really glad to have cross path with Jimmy. A friendship I will forever cherish. Time to settle down and be a daddy, mate! Hehe =P Cheers!

*There's a beautiful love story being created everyday. Be the creator and create your own.*


cyrildason said…
Your blog has waaayyyy too many wedding post =P

Make sure you do one for mine in the future!

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