Too Soon
Dream house dream car,
Imaginary world brought too far,
Plans and promises too many,
Making life so dreamy
Within times within hopes,
Beyond expectations and changes,
Fingers cross praying hard,
Hoping we'll never be apart
A twist, a turn,
Everything crash and burn,
Unable to stop, unable to reverse,
Unable to undo the King of Universe
Reality came too soon,
Heart aches tears break,
Wishing upon stars and moon,
That you will still come back
The question unasked,
The answer unsaid,
Until the day we meet again,
I will love you til no end
Yours truly
Perpetua Angeline
Imaginary world brought too far,
Plans and promises too many,
Making life so dreamy
Within times within hopes,
Beyond expectations and changes,
Fingers cross praying hard,
Hoping we'll never be apart
A twist, a turn,
Everything crash and burn,
Unable to stop, unable to reverse,
Unable to undo the King of Universe
Reality came too soon,
Heart aches tears break,
Wishing upon stars and moon,
That you will still come back
The question unasked,
The answer unsaid,
Until the day we meet again,
I will love you til no end
Yours truly
Perpetua Angeline