Time Out

Time out. It's good for you. It's good for everyone actually. We all need time out once in awhile. It's sort of like a meditation which some people do it every morning or every evening. I don't do meditation because I can't focus. I just started yoga. Which it does help with clearing your mind for that one hour. But at times I couldn't find my peace during the class. I will stare into the ceiling and my mind starts to plan what to do tomorrow. Now speaking of that, I think I have something planned but then I forgot. Will get back to that planning later. 

So, time out. I'm talking more on a longer hours time out. A day or two or even a week to a month. We work everyday. We have our daily routines to follow. We have meetings and deadlines. We have friends and family to entertain. We sometimes give ourselves a little me-time during the weekend but some weekends will be allocated for gatherings and there goes our me-time. 

Work is fun but work can be stressful. Friends are always there but not all friends listen. Family is there but family...you know...they're family. And you don't tell everything to your family. Or in some case, words can't even express what you're feeling. You know that only you can stand up for yourself no matter how many times you try to put those feelings and tensions into words. You just can't. 

There's many ways to time out. Let's list some shall we?

1. Go for short 2 nights vacation elsewhere. 
I know this can't apply to many but to those who can afford, go! Pack your weekend clothes. Book your ticket. Get your room. Just get out of your city and go elsewhere. Go solo. Enjoy the hotel's facilities. Swim in the hotel's pool. Dine in your room. Watch random movies on the tv in the room. Don't touch your laptop and try not to touch your phone. It's just a weekend. You will definitely thank yourself later for this retreat. Changing of air helps. Changing of people around you once in awhile helps you to get to know yourself better. 

2. Go fishing or prawning at the river
Fishing is some kind of meditation. I've learned that fishes swims away when the place is noisy which means no friends to talk with. I think well, that's because the fish knows there's human around and doesn't want to be caught. Anyway that's not the point. The point it fishing takes your focus away. You focus on your bait, waiting for a fish to get caught. You have to watch if the hook moves the string. Your attention will be all on the bait and nothing else. 

3. Go to the beach.
So if your budget's tight, you still have your car right? Even if there's no car, there's public transport. Do whatever it takes to get to the beach. Sit there looking out into the sea for several hours. The waves always calms the mind. The sound of the waves. The feel of sands between your toes. You don't have to stay over at the beach. Go in the morning. Pack your own lunch. Eat by the beach. Go home when the sun sets. Just sit there and watch your surrounding for one day. Change your focus for a day. 

The idea of time out is to recollect yourself. Change your mind to focus on something else for a couple of hours or a day so that you can come back and think better. Those I've listed are just some of the many options you can have your time out. It doesn't have to always require cash. It can be you sitting at your car porch looking out into the starry night. It has to be quiet. So that you can listen to yourself. You are always listening to other people or noises on the streets. Put time to listen to yourself. Not literally listening and talking to yourself. But listen to what's in your mind and what's in your heart. 

As for me, I had my time out. It was great. There's peace and quiet. Watching people do what they do. Just sit there and watch. It's all good. My thoughts not really cleared but oh well, for the meantime, I'm gonna time out myself with a glass of Somersby. Good night peeps!


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