A little bird was once very safe in her mother's womb. She had then came out from the cracked egg and start learning things. She, was indeed a fast learner. She then start learning how to fly. One day, she was lead by an eagle to soar the sky. She knew, that if she follows the eagle, she will have to leave her nest. Hesitation did dragged the time. But in the end, she still decided to leave her nest. She left her nest. Bid farewells with her other brothers and sisters. She followed the eagle away. Away from all the comforts of home. But, what she didn't know was, where she was going to be at. She flew and flew and flew. Until the eagle stopped and stare. The eagle said to the little bird, "There, that's your place. Go there and I'll be watching you over." Days passed, she thought she was safe and sound. She began to learn new things. Different from what had been taught back at her nest. Until suddenly, the volcano got heat up. The sun was shining hot...