Farewell to Jerome~
Today is a Sunday well spent~! I woke up around 10am (I know I know it's late. But it's a Sunday! Haha!) Woke up then had my breakfast while watching Tom and Jerry. Hehe =D Then I watched dvd. Borrowed quite a few dvds from Greg the other day. I watched Honey this morn. It's superb! Oh how I love their dancing moves!!! Made me think back of my days at EarthDance. Awww~~~ Then after movie, I came online. Checked my mail and chatted with baby and Galvin and Kelly. I was suddenly in the mood to go out for drinks since all of us were bored and saying the sien word to each other. Hahaz! Then Galvin was telling me that he can go for drinks but by 5pm he needs to go to airport to send a friend off. And so I kepo-ly asked him who is that friend. SURPRISINGLY!!! It's Jerome! I was so OMG!!! He has been back for SOOOOO long and yet I haven't meet him til today that he's leaving to Perth! I'm so mean! So without much hesitation, I went to shower and rushed to ai...