Celcom Xplay Party
Last Friday night, the Celcom Xplay Party was being held at Paragon, Travilion. Many thanks to Adverlets and Xpax for inviting me to the party. As everyone had known, I don't go clubs so I was kinda lost at first trying to search for the place. Haha! How did I found it? It's so happening!!!! Even before the party starts, music was everywhere!!!
Celcom set up a wide booth full with all sorts of promotions. Blue bears were all over too!!!!
This is Silas Evenstarr!!!! He was walking around with the mic 'stalking' people with blue bears in hand.
Snap snap.......
Ok I was there a little early. As the event said 9.30pm onwards. I'm always punctual. So yeah, I was there since 9.30pm. Doing nothing but the jobs of a paparazzi~~
And of course camwhoring!!!
Early means empty. Empty means opportunity!!! How can one ever miss a photo with a nice friend spotted on scene right? That's Elaine my dear friend. We were conquering the stage when no one was around yet. Hahaha! I personally love this photo alot apart from the backlight. Love us both the posers!!! Good one gurl~~
There. The overloaded sweet couple that got me felt like honey spilled all over me whole night. Hahaha!
People coming in to fill the ground floor. With the pass given, I got myself upstairs sitting comfortably on the couch. Miahahahaha!!!!
Nice reflection!!!!! It wasn't until 10.30pm that people start to fill the place and music gets louder and all the booze gets refilled. The party was about to start. =)
Introducing DJ Monkey!!!!! Just look at the tattoos on his arms!!!! He even has a nose piercing!!! So cool!!!! And he's good looking too =P~
The music from both of them were GOOD!!!! How do they even define who wins? Hahaha! I can never be the judge for this =D
There was also another performance by this fantastic guy, Shawn Lee! He was super good at doing beatboxing! Seriously! I've never heard anyone doing beatboxing. Only stream them at YouTube. But the other night, I witnessed one with my own eye. I must say, he's seriously talented!!! Bravo dude!
I left around 12.15am. I know it's early but I'm just not a 'clubbing leg'. Was kinda tired too. The party was awesome with all the nice music. Dang I wanted to go up stage when they were playing the song "Nobody". Hahaha!
Anyway, big thanks to Naomi for giving me this chance to 'see' the party-in-the-house world. Celcom Xplay definitely rock the whole of Kuching clubbers~~ Shall we have another round? Hehehe =D Next time I need to ask who has Celcom prepaid plans. So can drag them there to reload and I get to have the blue bear! Hahaha!
Til then~
Blue bear rocks! :P
And the event seems fun.
Jimmy: u siao eh~~~ hahaha!!!
Eve: LOL many had updated dy ah!!! so must not wait. Plus, weekdays will be super bz so must post now. hehe =D
Willie: huh? Cyril was there too! He was partying to hard downstairs with gf!!! Hahaha!!! Checkout his blog~~