Desktop Organizer
I am messy. But I love to be tidy. But I am lazy. Therefore my room is messy =.= Yeah and mom said I'm a MBKS. Ish! I want to be tidy. I keep my office desk very vERy VERY TIDY!!! I always arrange things according to sizes and alphabets. But I just can't bother to do it at home. Ok part of my room is tidy. accessories table! I put everything into a box and arrange them nicely. But then again, most part of my room is messy. Hey if it's not messy then it's not my room! It's a hotel room! =D (that's what a lazy person always say) So here is how my computer table looks like. I have lotsa papers. Be it forms or letters or rough papers or books or cards. I just dump everything there and let it be. It's been like that for years!!! Until recently the amount of paper can no longer stand on it's own and I have nothing to hold it, I know it's time to get something from the stationary shop. So off I went to Think in Motion after ...