Happy BeeeeeeeLATED Birthday to Paul~
I know I know. This post is SUPER DUPER HYPER LATE! Hahaz! Due to my heavy workload and many other stuff, I am very very VERY SORRY to Encik Paul Wong yang dah tunggu lama for my post for him. Hahaz! Sorry handsome! =D I don't really know Paul though. Only tau he's ahlost'ses brother. Ahlost'ses brother also our brother lah! Kekeke =) And also punz, sorry I wasn't at your birthday celebration. Couldn't drop by cos got class. Sowee~ Ok. Loso habis. Now, wishes wishes for you~ Encik Yang Amat Berhansem, Encik Paul Wong~ Ada song to dedicate to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy beEeEeEeLATED birthday to Paul~ Happy birthday to you~! I pun don't know your age. Kena I visit your sis'ses blog baru know. So bad lah me. Keke =P Already 25 liaw this year(tak macam pun). Hahaz! How many wishes should I give you leh? Hmm.... # Wish you all the best in everything you do~ # May all the angels and saints be with you always~...