
Showing posts from April, 2011

My First McBreakfast

Still remember when McDonald decided to give everyone the voucher for free breakfast back about 2 months ago? I was one of those crazy peeps who went super duper hyper early just to eat for free =.= Well of course it's not exactly free cos you'll have to spend RM5 minimum in order to redeem a voucher. So yeah who else but my casual crime partners namely: Evelyn, Thalia, Chiang Hui, Sui Yin and Jim . Eve was the one who printed all the vouchers. She even had them in different sizes =.=''' So, I was the first to arrive, as usual lah~ That was about 7.15am when I reached and to my shock, man Kuchingites are just so greedy when food comes in free . Human traffic queued up til the doorstep already!!! What else was I waiting for?! Queue lahh! After about 5 minutes, the rest came and we queued up altogether for half an hour =.= zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...... Yes I nearly fell asleep cos I haven't had my morning coffee! I didn't even wake up that early for wor...

What Is A Boyfriend For...

- A boyfriend is not to buy you gifts but to give what money can't buy - A boyfriend is not to bring you out every night but to be by your side when you need him - A boyfriend is not to take you to expensive restaurants but would appreciate your cooking - A boyfriend is not to report his current location but to trust him with his schedule - A boyfriend is not a pet that follows your demand but would lend his ears when you're down - A boyfriend is not your stepping stone to forget the past but is your future life guarantor - A boyfriend is not to bring the world to you but to bring you to understand his world - A boyfriend is not a driver but someone to walk side by side with you for the rest of your life - A boyfriend is not your parasite plant but to give him space to breathe - A boyfriend is not a robot but one you must care and love equally

Easter 2011

Every year during Easter celebration, the Spring mall will put up decorations just for the weekend. I'm always amazed at how creative and innovative and smart these people are. Last year was the Alice in Wonderland theme because the movie was out then. They even had the real bunnies there in plastic cage bunny house =D This year, of course, I won't miss the chance of visiting Spring just to have a look at the new decor.  And again, I went all 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' and 'ooooooooooooooooo' and the 'I want I want I want!' shoutouts. Hahaha! I felt like I'm back in 5years old wonderland~ Photo is a compulsory matter! The main decoration table. Hugeass teapots with Easter bunny eggs!!! I wonder where do they put all these stuff after Easter? Can I have the teapot please? They've got cupcakes too!!! Tiers of them!!! And seriously that teapot is huge!!! I so wana bring it back!!! Just look at how creative are them!!! Can even ...

Movies In Queue

My final exam is drawing near and yet I'm busy listing all the movies that I wanna watch =.= It's as if I've got nothing else to do. Ugh! I shall hibernate starting from 1st of May. Will leave my blog in the glass bottle for a month until I finish my exam. Well that's if I can do so. Or probably I'll just login to crap some stuff when I over-studied at night =D So! Last night I was a lil too free that I went to facebook's new apps, the questions thing and answered several random questions. One of them was the 'Movies you've watched in 2010'. Hmm....thinking back I'm not a cinema person, I didn't watch that many movies eh. But now I have got like 4 movies in queue to watch! And well, 1 is already up and the other 3 is coming soon. Oh heck how to do my revision like this! The Fast and The Furious 5 is coming!!!!!!!!!!! This is a never-to-be-missed movie! I've got all the vcds for the previous ones. I love car racing movies ...

Craziest Birthday Ever!

Alright, this is the last post about my birthday. Oh such long post!!! When there's dinner with the gang, there's always round two!!! This time we headed over for massive drinks and music and oh I love to dance!!! Picca Picca Picca! I told you I'll be back! The night was still young when we arrived =D And we got the cushion seats without even reserving! So true that the early birds get the worms!!! Oh and did you know that Piccadillys have ladies night on Thursday and Saturday? =D Pay only RM10 and you get to refill it all night long!!!  Cheers to the ladies!  Surely all the ladies enjoyed our ladies night~ Joe went for something manly. Kilkenny!!! Before I could stop him, he drank that big gulp =.= Me and my ladies night lucky draws!!! Hehehehehe It's always good being a lady eh? =D DJ of the night~ Hmm....about Johnnie Walker. Yeah I was supposed to be at the huge event held at Palace of Golden Horses but what happened? I decided ...

Birthday at Kado

So, my actual birthday arrived! This year I decided to celebrate it with 2 other friends who's just 2 and 3 days apart from mine! Oh Happy Birthday April Babies!!!!! Made a reservation at Kado, our old gathering place. Still love that place after so long. =) The attendees: Me, bf, Eve, Liang, Mund, Oliver, Joe, Teck, Mag, Benny, Thalia, Dru and 2 other friends =) Now this beef steak is much nicer cos I had it 70% cooked! Yay! This time I remember! Dru ordered yam samosa. Not bad =) The only camera alert guy: Dru And he just decided that he wanted to be a teacher that night at Kado. Oh forgive him. Sometimes he just forgot to take his med =P~ Edmund ordered my favourite dish at Kado. Beef burger!!! With extra cheese and egg! Yum!!! Our cake. I had Eve to order it cos I've got no time to do all those with my hyper pack schedule. It's a black forest again! Heeee~ I surely had lotsa black forest cake this time. Joe helping us to lit the can...

Birthday Back Home

Just the night before my birthday, a Friday night. As usual, I had class til 9.30pm. Dead hour every single night! Anyway, bf reminded me to head home straight after class so well, I was suspecting something already =D Reached home and yeap! Saw his car. Bf came to celebrate birthday with me before anyone else does. Hehehe =) Black forest cake by bf. He told them to made the cake with lotsa chocolate. Awwww........ Mom looks happier than me. LOL Probably I was just too tired after the long day. Of course, I demand for present twice a year. First is birthday, second is Christmas =D Only twice ok! And never had I thought that bf actually read my mind!!! How on earth can he know that I wanted a watch??? I didn't even put it into my wishlist (The one I showed him). Hmm.... .心有灵犀??? Teeeheeeheee~~ Alright gotta admit. I was just so touched that I broke into tears =/ Seriously, how??? And he even know that I wanted a square face watch with black color str...

Birthday at Garden Hill

Yeap it's 24th of April and I'm blogging about my birthday =.= This is only part one of my whole birthday post. Celebrated my birthday 3 times this year!!! And it's seriously an awesome one!!!  Morale: When you've got great friends, nothing is ever down! The weekend before my actual birthday, bf brought me to my favourite dining place, Garden Hill for an exquisite dinner for two. He even made reservation earlier! =D The reason I love this place is cos of the environment and the breathtaking view of Kuching from top. I'm sure everyone knows how beautiful Kuching is right? =) Somehow I think my hair looks like the tail of an animal =.= Double colored =.=''''''' My ice blended chocolate! Yummmmmmeh!!! But I think the milk taste is a lil too heavy for me. You know I don't take milk =( Bf had ice blended peach. Not bad~ Me and my beef steak with wine sauce! Slurpssss~~~ I've been trying to seek that very taste of beef steak I...